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Chippenham Community Hub a charity about people.

There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about


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The move from No.23 wasn't easy with Borough Parade owners, Evolve Estates, making it as difficult as they could

There was also a whole load of unpacking at the other end to do and arranging the new storage..

At the new HQ there was a lot of work with partitions to be built , new WIFI fitted, and the important matter of Fire safety to be addressed and a new alarm system installed

Two months on we are almost getting there, with the new  Chippenham Community Hub now almost complete

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Just click on each one to see more details

Crafty Crew

“We love it! We think that you are brilliant - favourite part of the week"


"Thank you soo much for being amazing. It's absolutely brilliant what you guys do and I will be passing on to anyone I know. My daughter is taking the crochet into every shop and loved them and showed her elves when we got home, thank you very much."


“All the people at the hub made me feel welcome and made me feel very relaxed. We covered a lot in our 6 sessions and I now feel more confident with numbers.”
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