It's all about Community Health and Wellbeing...
The Health and Wellbeing Team are a proactive group of people who are led by actions, collaboration, and deeds to improve the lives of those who live in Chippenham and the surrounding villages.
After the pandemic it become more apparent that it was vital for the community to promote positive health and wellbeing and so both a partnership and an inclusive movement got together the organisations, groups, and individuals who have an interest in this area with the united aim to both enhance and improve the life experience within Chippenham and its adjacent villages.
Those actions will be broad ranging covering both physical wellbeing and the less visual aspect of facilitating positive mental health - which is something that can be achieved by offering debt advice, promoting inclusion and promoting actions that are aimed at the alleviation of social isolation.
The communities that people are born into, live, work, and socialise in have a significant influence on how healthy they are, and while these factors can have as much an impact on health and wellbeing as professional health services, the communities themselves often have great insight about how improvements can be made.
We know that under certain circumstances social isolation and loneliness can be as bad for health as physical risk factors such as smoking, but there are many ‘assets’ within our community that can be mobilised to tackle this.
The Town Team aims to link organisations, individuals, and groups, who together can make Chippenham a healthy town in which its inhabitants live a long and fulfilling life.
It's not 'rocket-science' it is simply all about utilising skills, resources, and knowledge for the benefit of our community....